Finally, there is scientific proof that buying counterfeit goods is bad for your health …
Research cited in the Huffington Post’s article, The Psychology Of Knockoffs, has discovered people who purchase counterfeit goods are generally unethical across other areas. It says “ ‘Faking’ it makes us feel like phonies and cheaters on the inside, and this alienated, counterfeit ‘self’ leads to cheating and cynicism in the real world."
We believe that knowingly purchasing counterfeit goods puts people in two camps:
1. It's a 'real' CHANNEL (CHANEL) and I only paid X for it... They know the brand through seeing advertisements of lipsticks and fragrances etc., but have no real exposure to the brand and associated costs. So to purchase a CHANNEL handbag for $150.00 may be expensive to them, therefore (unless they purchased it on the street corner), they genuinely do believe it is authentic. As often happens, they may receive the 'fake' item as a gift... the recipient therefore knows nothing about the environment it was purchased in and also how the wrapping, finishing, tissue, care labels, guarantees, etc. should look...
2. They know it is fake and don't care, they 'want' to be seen to be wearing brands, and are using these items as props to signal success to others. These are the disingenuous folk, the real fakes amongst us. They, we believe, are whom the psychologists are talking about predominately in this very fine and interesting report.
Weed out the fakers we say, it's all about ethics and as the report says it goes beyond just the purchasing of fake merchandise... a slightly skewed and cynical view of many other people and things.
Our new slogan is: FAKES are for FRAUDS - Say NO to FAKES!
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